Departmental Seminar Past Years

2023-2024 Fall Semester

Date Speaker Title
17-12-2023 Nir Chemaya, UCSB (Job Talk) Estimating Investor Preferences for Blockchain Security
24-12-2023 Eldar Dadon, TAU (Job Talk) Missing The Forest for The Trees
28-12-2023 Genia Rachkovski, Northwestern (Job Talk) Beyond Test Scores: Does Public Information on School Satisfaction and Violence Levels Affect Parental School Choice?
31-12-2023 Yuval Ofek-Shanny, FAU (Job Talk) To be or not to be on social media: How social media content impacts recruitment
11-01-2024 Dina Gat, TAU (Job Talk) Optimal Retirement Age of Women in the USA
14-01-2024 Omer Moav, Reichman and Warwick Why Not Borrow, Invest, and Escape Poverty?
21-01-2024 Yevgeny Tsodikovitch, BIU (Job Talk) Minimal Contagious Sets: Degree Distributional Bounds
28-01-2024 Adi Shany, TAU Can Usage-Based Pricing Reduce Traffic Congestion?
04-02-2024 Yair Antler, TAU Search, Matching, and Online Platforms
18-02-2024 Etienne Wasmer, NYU-AD Housing Prices Propagation: A Theory of Spatial Interactions
25-02-2024 Nimrod Segev, Bank of Israel Quantitative Easing, Bank Lending, and Aggregate Fluctuations
03-03-2024 Ro'ee Levy, TAU Decomposing the Rise of the Populist Radical Right

2023-2024 Spring Semester

Date Speaker Title
05-05-2024 Karine van der Beek, BGU Land Reform and Access to Credit: the response of bankruptcies to land enclosures in England 1750-1830
19-05-2024 David Genesove, HUJI "Haggle or Hammer? Dual-Mechanism Housing Search"
26-05-2024 Danny Ben-Shahar, TAU "The Value of Status: Exploring the Price of Relative Positioning"
09-06-2024 Jacob Oded, TAU "Hero or Villain? Insider Selling through Stock Repurchase Programs"
13-06-2024 Marco Tabellini, Harvard Univesity "Homeward Bound: How Migrants Seek Out Familiar Climates"
16-06-2024 Oded Galor, Brown University  "Diverse Mindset"
18-06-2024 Alan D. Miller, Western University "Political Speech and the Corporation"
23-06-2024 Analia Schlosser, TAU "Short- and Long-Term Effects of Universal Preschool: Evidence from the Arab Population in Israel"
30-06-2024 Gregory Clark, Southern Denmark University “Assortative Mating and the Industrial Revolution: England, 1754-2021”
04-07-2024 Idan Hodor, Monash University “Equity or Future Equity: A Moral Hazard Theory.”
09-07-2024 David Slusky, University of Kansas "Occupational Hazard? An Analysis of Birth Outcomes Among Physician Mothers"

2022-2023 Fall Semester

Date Speaker Title
02-11-2022 Russell Cooper, EUI Determining Gender Differences in Education and Labor Market Outcome
13-11-2022 Victor Saldarriaga, PSE The Distributional Dynamics of Wages over the Business Cycle
20-11-2022 Ram Fishman, TAU (Public Policy) “Closing the global agricultural productivity gap: Does training in Israel affect the cultivation of smallholder farmers from Nepal?”.
27-11-2022 Roni Hirsch, Van Leer Jerusalem Institute Waiting for Profit: Abstinence and Expectation in the Nineteenth Century
04-12-2022 Ada Gonzalez-Torres, BGU (Job Talk) “Monitoring Harassment in Organizations”, joint with Laura Boudreau, Sylvain Chassang and Rachel Heath.
11-12-2022 Hosny Zoabi, NES (Job Talk) The Microfinance Disappointment: An Explanation based on Risk Aversion (with Alexey Khazanov, Omer Moav, Zvika Neeman)
14-12-2022 Nimrod Leher, Wisconsin (Job Talk) Trade Policy Uncertainty and Import Prices
18-12-2022 Rachel Ruslana Palatnik, Emek Yezreel (Job Talk) "Rigorous Economic Assessment of Climate Change Mitigation"
25-12-2022 Assaf Kott, Brown (Job Talk) "Income Shocks, School Choice, and Long-Term Outcomes: Lessons from Child Allowances in Israel"
01-01-2023 Tzachi Raz, HUJI "Soil Heterogeneity and the Formation of Close-knit Communities"
08-01-2023 Aluma Dembo, IDC "Ever Since Allais"
12-01-2023 Maor Milgrom, Brown (Job Talk) "The Costs of Job Displacement and the Demand for Industry-Specific Human Capital"
15-01-2023 Naomi Gershoni, BGU Does Public School Choice Promote Student Diversity?
22-01-2023 Dimitrios Xefteris, University of Cyprus "Weighting Votes"

2022-2023 Spring Semester

Date Speaker Title
05-03-2023 Dotan Persitz, TAU "Information Aggregation on Networks: an Experimental Study" joint with Marina Agranov (Caltech) and Ben Gillen (Claremont McKenna College)
12-03-2023 Moran Koren, BGU The Gatekeeper's Effect:  The Implications of Pre-Screening, Self-selection, and Bias on Hiring Processes.
19-03-2023 Noa de la Vega, TAU The Differential Effect of Childbirth on Men’s and Women’s Careers
26-03-2023 Georgia Michailidou, NYUAD "The Time to Lie"
02-04-2023 Ran Weksler, Haifa "Certification Markets with Signaling Considerations" (with Boaz Zik).
16-04-2023 Abigail Hurwitz, HUJI "Private information and risk preferences in the annuity market: Evidence from Sweden" (Johannes Hagen, Michal Hodor, and Abigail Hurwitz)
30-04-2023 Eran Hofmann, HUJI "Moving to fluidity: regional growth and labor market churn" (with Monika Piazzesi and Martin Schneider)
07-05-2023 Nir Yoseph, TAU How to Promote Trade in Durable Goods Markets?
10-05-2023 Denis Kojevnikov, Tilburg Econometric Inference on a Large Bayesian Game with Heterogeneous Beliefs (with Kyungchul Song)
14-05-2023 Rish Singhania, Exeter TBA
21-05-2023 Erin Krupka, Michigan Title: Determinants of Norm Compliance: Moral Similarity and Group Identification (with A. Schneeberger)
28-05-2023 Yoram Halevy, HUJI "Difficult Decisions" with David Walker-Jones and Lanny Zrill.
11-06-2023 Charles Nathanson, Northwestern Real Effects of Rollover Risk : Evidence from Hotels in Crisis (Michael Reher and Anthony A. DeFusco)
15-06-2023 Ronen Gradwohl, Ariel University Social Media and Democracy
18-06-2023 Asaf Zussman, HUJI Responding to Anticipated Bias: Evidence from Football in Israel (with Noam Binstock)

2021-2022 Fall Semester

Date Speaker Title
10-10-2021 Shiran Rachmilevitch (Haifa) "Auctions with multi-member bidders"
24-10-2021 Hugo Jales (Syracuse) "Minimum wage and Informality in a Roy Bargaining Economy: Evidence from a Bunching Estimator" (with Zhengfei Yu).
04-11-2021 Michel Strawczynski (HUJI) Shall a Means-Tested Basic Income Substitute Traditional Welfare? (With Oren Tirosh)
07-11-2021 Dan Zeltzer (TAU) The Impact of Increased Access to Telemedicine (with Liran Einav, Joseph Rashba, and Ran Balicer) 
14-11-2021 Alon Eizenberg (HUJI) "Estimating the Potential Effect of Multi-Market Contact on the Intensity of Competition"

(with Dalia Shilian and Daniel D. Blanga).
21-11-2021 Ella Segev (BGU) Equity Crowdfunding
25-11-2021 Boaz Abramson (Stanford) (Job Talk) The Welfare Effects of Evictions and Homelessness Policies
12-12-2021 Yevgeny Tsodikovich (AMSE) (Job Talk) "Repeated Games with Switching Costs: Stationary vs History-Independent Strategies" (With Xavier Venel and Anna Zseleva) 
16-12-2021 Eran Politzer (Harvard) (Job Talk) A Change of Plans - The Impact of Involuntary Switching in Health Insurance 
19-12-2021 Boaz Zik (University of Bonn) (Job Talk) Test-taking Skills and Strategic Communication (with Ran Weksler)
26-12-2021 Yonatan Berman (Kings College London) (Job Talk) The Long Run Evolution of Absolute Intergenerational Mobility
02-01-2022 Yotam Margalit (Tel Aviv University) "The Political Consequences of Green Policies: Evidence from Italy"
06-01-2022 Alexey Khazanov (Boston college) “Sovereign Default Risk and Currency Returns”.

2021-2022 Spring Semester

Date Speaker Title
06-03-2022 Sayantan Ghosal (Glasgow) "P-stable expectations coordination large games and markets" (with Gabriel Desgranges)
13-03-2022 Itai Ater (Tel Aviv) "Price Saliency and Fairness: Evidence from Regulatory Shaming"
20-03-2022 Iñaki Rodriguez Longarela (Stockholm) "Online vs. Classroom: Course engagement and attention with large groups of students"
27-03-2022 Eran Yashiv (TAU) "When to Lock, Not Whom: Managing Epidemics Using Time-Based Restrictions.” with Yinon BarOn, Tanya Baron And Ofer Cornfeld
03-04-2022 Ilan Noy (Victoria University of Wellington) Social Inequalities in Climate-Change Attributed Impacts of Hurricane Harvey
07-04-2022 Bruno Caprettini - University of Zurich "Going viral: Protests and Polarization in 1932 Hamburg."
10-04-2022 Hosny Zoabi (New Economic School) Does Paternity Leave Promote Gender Equality within Households? (with Libertad Gonzalez)
24-04-2022 Elisa Cavatorta (KCL)

Revealing the space for peace agreements among parties in conflict

01-05-2022 Beata Itin-Shwartz (HUJI) “Do marketing channel reforms increase competition? Evidence from Indian produce markets”
08-05-2022 Itay Saporta Eksten (TAU) "Universal Basic Income: Inspecting the Mechanisms"
15-05-2022 Ittay Nissan (HUJI) "Risk-attitudes when choosing for others"
22-05-2022 Denis Kojevnikov (Tilburg) Econometric Inference on a Large Bayesian Game with Heterogeneous Beliefs (with Kyungchul Song)
29-05-2022 S. Abraham Ravid (Yeshiva University) Innovation under Ambiguity and Risk (with Gabriela Coiculescu and Yehuda Izhaki

2020-2021 Fall Semester

Date Speaker Title
24-09-2020 Sarit Weisburd, Tel Aviv University "Police Response Time and Injury Outcomes" (paper)
06-10-2020 Niki Nikiforakis, NYU Abu Dhabi "Predicting social tipping and norm change in controlled experiments" (with James Andreoni and Simon Siegenthaler)
25-10-2020 Beni Lauterbach, Bar Ilan University "The Life-Cycle of Dual Class Firm Valuation" (paper)

Zoom Link (for password, contact us)
03-11-2020 Amnon Maltz, University of Haifa "A Behavioral Approach to Increasing Influenza Vaccination Uptake Rates” (joint with Adi Sarid).
Haifa-NYU Abu Dhabi Joint Seminar 
Zoom Link
08-11-2020 Michael Amior, Hebrew University "Monopsony and the Wage Effects of Migration" (with Alan Manning) (paper)
15-11-2020 David Weiss, Tel Aviv University "Women's Liberation, Household Revolution"  
Zoom Link
22-11-2020 Ilan Nehama, Bar Ilan University "Almost Quasi-Linear Utilities in Disguise: An Extension of Roberts' Theorem."
29-11-2020 Daniel Fershtman, Tel Aviv University "Sequential Learning with Endogenous Considerations Sets".  Zoom Link
03-12-2020 Ittai Shacham, Tilburg University "Advertising Quantity Regulation and Content Quality Distortion"  (paper) (Job Talk)
Zoom Link
06-12-2020 Shmuel San, NYU "Who Works Where and Why? Parental Networks and the Labor Market" (Job Talk) (paper)
Zoom Link 
17-12-2020 Ariel Zucker, UC Berkeley "Price Discrimination in Behavior Change Contracts: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment" (paper) (Job Talk). Time: 18:15-19:30. Zoom link
20-12-2020 Elior Cohen, UCLA "Housing the Homeless: The Effect of Housing Assistance on Recidivism to Homelessness, Economic, and Social Outcomes". (paper) (Job Talk).  Time: 9:15-10:30.
24-12-2020 Tom Zohar, Stanford "Out of Labor and Into the Labor Force? The Role of Abortion Access, Social Stigma, and Financial Constraints."  (paper) (Job Talk). Time: 9:15-10:30.
27-12-2020 Liang Diao, SFU "Collective Defense by Common Property Arrangements: the Rise and Fall of the Kibbutz" (paper) (Job Talk)
03-01-2021 Yael Elster, TAU (Coller School of Management) "Real-estate Investors, House Prices and Rents: Evidence from Capital-gains Tax Changes"  (paper) (Job Talk)
10-01-2021 Laura Gati, Boston College  "Monetary Policy & Anchored Expectations - An Endogenous Gain Learning Model." (paper) (Job Talk)
14-01-2021 Wenting Song, University of Michigan "Firm Inattention and the Efficacy of Monetary Policy: A Text-Based Approach" (Job Talk) (paper)
17-01-2021 Michele Fornino, MIT Automation and the Future of Work: Assessing the Role of Labor Flexibility (joint with Andrea Manera) (Job Talk) (paper)
21-01-2021 Michal Hodor, University of Pennsylvania "Gig Workers and Performance Pay: A Dynamic Equilibrium Analysis of an On-Demand Industry" (Job Talk) (paper)

2020-2021 Spring Semester

Date Speaker Title
07-03-2021 Oren Danieli, Tel Aviv University "Revisiting U.S. Wage Inequality at the Bottom 50%" (paper)
14-03-2021 Ori Heffetz, HUJI Behavior-Predictive Beliefs are Inconsistent with Information-Based Beliefs: Evidence from COVID-19 (Ori Heffetz and Guy Ishai)
21-03-2021 Yonatan Berman, CUNY Homoploutia: Top Labor and Capital Incomes in the United States, 1950—2020 (with Branko Milanovic)
04-04-2021 Jiabin Wu, University of Oregon “Decentralized Matching Market with Transfers: Experimental and Noncooperative Analyses"
29-04-2021 Nathan Canen, University of Houston Political Parties as Drivers of U.S. Polarization: 1927-2018 (with Chad Kendall and Francesco Trebbi)
02-05-2021 Harald Uhlig, University of Chicago Macroeconomic Dynamics and Reallocation in an Epidemic: Evaluating the 'Swedish" Solution, with Dirk Krueger (U Penn) and Taojun Xie (NUS).
09-05-2021 Heng Chen, University of Hong Kong Do Media Bow to Foreign Economic Powers? Evidence from News Websites Crackdown
13-05-2021 Ben Schreiber, Bank of Israel "The Effect of Print Media Tone on Overnight and Intraday Stock Returns" (with Yossi Saadon)
23-05-2021 Edoardo Grillo, Collegio Carlo Alberto "Electoral Campaigns as Dynamic Contests" joint with A. Acharya, T. Sugaya and E. Turkel (paper)
03-06-2021 Yaniv Yedid-Levi, IDC Herzilya "The Macroeconomics of Automation: Data, Theory, and Policy Analysis" (with Nir Jaimovich, Itay Saporta-Eksten, and Henry Siu)  (paper)
06-06-2021 Simone Moran - BGU Negotiating All or Part of the Seller’s Endowment (with Adiel Moyal (UCD), Amos Schurr (BGU), Ilana Ritov (HUJI))
13-06-2021 Yuval Heller - Bar Ilan University Sampling Dynamics and Stable Mixing in Hawk-Dove Games Joint with Srinivas Arigapudi & Amnon Schreiber

2019-2020 Fall Semester

Date Speaker Title
03-11-2019 Joseph Zeira, the Hebrew University Automation and Unemployment: Help is on the Way  
10-11-2019 David Weil, Brown University Are Poor Countries Relatively Overpopulated and Why?
17-11-2019 Hannah Trachtman, Yale University Intervention Externalities due to Limited Attention (job talk)
21-11-2019 Oren Rigbi, Israel Competition Authority and Ben Gurion University The Effects of Vendor Allowance Contracts – Big Data Evidence from the Israeli Food Retail Market
24-11-2019 Chaim Fershtman, Tel Aviv University A Computational Framework for Analyzing Dynamic Procurement Auctions: The Market Impact of Information Sharing
01-12-2019 Viacheslav Savitskiy, Brown University Environmental Roots of Labor-Leisure Preference  
05-12-2019 Ro'ee Levy, Yale University Social Media, News Consumption and Polarization: Evidence from a Field Experiment (job talk)
08-12-2019 Nir Hak, Harvard University Estimation of Learning, Adoption and Diffusion over a Network (job talk)
12-12-2019 Joel Mokyr, Northwestern University The Holy Land of Industrialism: Rethinking the Industrial Revolution. Paper 1 and 2
15-12-2019 Itzchak Tzachi Raz, Harvard University There’s No Such Thing As Free Land: The Homestead Act and Economic Development (job talk)
22-12-2019 Avner Strulov-Shlain, University of Chicago More than a Penny's Worth: Left-Digit Bias and Firm Pricing
26-12-2019 Aluma Dembo, University of Oxford Rationality and Error in Individual Choice Data: A Revealed Preferences Approach (job talk)
05-01-2020 Yannay Shanan, Tel Aviv University The intergenerational effects of welfare participation (job talk)
12-01-2020 Abigail Hurwitz, University of Pennsylvania Is One Plus One Always Two? Insuring Longevity Risk While Having Multiple Savings Accounts (job talk)
19-01-2020 Amir Goren, UC Irvine Financial Intermediation and the Lucas Puzzle (job talk)
23-01-2020 Yefim Roth, University of Haifa Decisions from Valuations of Unknown Payoff Distributions.  Paper 1 Paper 2

2019-2020 Spring Semester

Date Speaker Title
08-03-2020 Eyal Ert, the Hebrew University CANCELLED
15-03-2020 Yuval Heller, Bar-Ilan University CANCELLED
19-03-2020 Arik Roginsky, University of Chicago CANCELLED
22-03-2020 Julio Davila, CORE Paris 1 CANCELLED
29-03-2020 Daniel Fershtman, Tel Aviv University CANCELLED
19-04-2020 Oren Danieli, Tel Aviv University CANCELLED
26-04-2020 Ori Heffetz, the Hebrew University CANCELLED
03-05-2020 Yotam Margalit, Tel Aviv University CANCELLED
10-05-2020 Uri Herz, University of Haifa TBA
17-05-2020 Hannah Trachtman, Yale University TBA
24-05-2020 TBA TBA
31-05-2020 Ben Schreiber, Bank of Israel TBA
07-06-2020 Hillel Rapoport, Paris School of Economics TBA
14-06-2020 TBA TBA
18-06-2020 Mariko Klasing, University of Groningen TBA
21-06-2020 Petros Milionis, University of Groningen TBA

2018-2019 Fall Semester

Date Speaker Title
October 25, 2018 Sergiu Hart, the Hebrew University Forecasting, Calibration, and Dynamics
November 1, 2018 Henry Schneider, Queen's University Promoting Best Practices in a Multitask Workplace: Experimental Evidence on Checklists
November 8, 2018 Moses Shayo, the Hebrew University How Do Markets Affect Values and Behavior? Emerging Patterns from Three Studies
November 15, 2018 Ran Spiegler, Tel Aviv University A Model of Competing Narratives
November 22, 2018 Ilan Cooper, BI Norwegian Business School What drives Q and investment fluctuations?
November 29, 2018 Moshe Kim, University of Haifa Nonseparability without Monotonicity: The Couterfactual Distribution M-Estimator for Causal Inference
December 6, 2018 Nathan Goldstein, Bar Ilan University What has happened to inflation persistence? A new expectations-based measure
December 13, 2018 Ronen Gradwohl, Northwestern University Decentralized Advice
December 16, 2018 Mikhail Freer, l'Université libre de Bruxelles Revealed Social Preferences
December 20, 2018 Ity Shurtz, the Hebrew University Physician Workload and Treatment Choice: the Case of Primary Care
December 23, 2019 Ori Katz, Brown University Railroads, Economic Development, and the Demographic Transition in the United States
December 27, 2018 Ran Weksler, the Hebrew University The Market for Information Intermediaries and Its Effects
December 30, 2018 Jan-Philipp Dueber, University of Kent Endogenous Time-Varying Volatility and Emerging Market Business Cycles
January 3, 2019 Revital Bar, the Hebrew University Ethnic Discrimination in the Housing Market: Evidence from Israel
January 6, 2019 Eve Colson-Sihra, the Hebrew University The Conspicuous Consumption of the Poor: Forgoing Calories for Aspirational Goods
January 10, 2019 Navid Sabet, LMU Munich The Political Economy of Immigrant Legalisation: Evidence from the 1986 IRCA

2018-2019 Spring Semester

Date Speaker Title
February 28, 2019 Limor Golan, Washington University in St. Louis What Explains the Racial Gaps in Task Assignment and Pay Over the Life-Cycle?
March 7, 2019 George Gayle, Washington University in St. Louis What Accounts for the Racial Gap in Time Allocation and
Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital?
March 10, 2019 Andrea Ichino, European University Institute Economic Incentives, Home Production and Gender Identity Norms
March 14, 2019 Dominik Karos, Maastricht University Full Farsighted Rationality
March 17, 2019 Eli Cook, University of Haifa The Pricing of Progress: Economic Indicators and the Capitalization of American Life
March 28, 2019 Ella Segev, Ben Gurion University Social learning and the design of new experience goods
March 31, 2019 Pavel Jelnov, University of Hannover When Should the Sun Shine? The Effect of Time Institutions on Health
April 4, 2019 Matan Tsur, University of Vienna Information Design in Competitive Insurance Markets
April 11, 2019 Elyashiv Wiedman, the Hebrew University How Does Media Coverage Affect Corporate Disclosure?
May 2, 2019 Ro'i Zultan, Ben Gurion University Manipulation in prediction markets
May 16, 2019 Abigail Adams, University of Oxford What Do Consumers Consider Before They Choose? Identification from Asymmetric Demand Responses
May 23, 2019 Dino Levy, Tel Aviv University The neural computation of inconsistent choice behavior
May 30, 2019 Nikita Roketskiy, UCL Consumer Privacy and Serial Monopoly
June 6, 2019 Dan Ben-Moshe, the Hebrew University Identification of Linear Regressions with Errors in all Variables
June 10, 2019 Michael Kaganovich, Indiana University Bloomington Gender Differences in Persistence in a Field of Study