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The Rabin Social Sciences Building,
University of Haifa
Mount Carmel, 31905
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Professional Activities and Offices
University of Haifa Administrative Positions
Rector (Provost) (1994-1997)
- Executive Committee, Board of Governors (1984-87, 1992-94)
- President Search Committee, Board of Governors (1994)
- University Honorary Doctoral Committee (1992-94)
- Teaching & Curriculum Committee, School of Education (1992-94)
- Steering Committee, School of Social Work (1992-94)
- Steering Committee, University Master Plan (1992-93)
- Academic Appointments & Promotions committee of the Senate (1990-92)
- Steering Committee, Faculty of Law (1989-90)
- University Control committee (1988-90)
- Executive Management Committee of the University (1984-87)
- Executive Committee, Inter-University Computer Center (1984-85)
- Dean of Research (1983-87)
- Standing Committee of the Senate (1983-87, 1992-4)
- Board of Governors (1983-85; 1990-)
- Chairperson, Faculty Association (1983-84)
- Chairperson, University Computer Committee (1983-84)
- Chairperson, Department of Economics (1977-1979)
Scholarly and professional offices and activities (recent)
Invited speaker, The KAS - BGU - MFA Round Table: Israel and the European Union: Toward an Ever Closer Partnership. Workshop II: Climate Change, April 2008, Brussels
- Editorial Board, Environment and Development Economics
- Israel's Representative, Management committee, EU COST Action E-45 (Forest Externalities).
- Steering Committee, Environmental Policy Center, Jerusalem Institute, 2005-
- Country Representative, European Association of Environmental & Resource Economists
Organizing Committee, Socio-economic Impacts of Climate Change in the Mediterranean Region: An International Graduate Course funded by the EU Concerted Action "Research in Global Change in the Mediterranean: A Regional Network" (RICAMARE), at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (Trieste, Italy), Nov. 12-16, 2001
- Associate Editor, Environmental and Resource Economics Journal
- Editorial Board, The International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics, UK: Edward Elgar Publishers
- Steering Committee - International Exhibition "Environmental Quality 2000", Ministry of the Environment
- Israeli Delegate, Sub-Committee "Improving the Socio-Economic Knowledge Base," European Commission - Research Dir4ectorate-General, Directorate F (Human Potential and Mobility)
- Review Editor for the IPCC WG-III 3rd Assessment Report
- National Delegate, Management Committee, CANTIQUE: Concerted Action on Non-Technical Measures and Their Impacts on Air Quality and Emissions, European Commission, DG VII (Transport)
- Advisory Council, Center for Environmental Policy, Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies
- Program Committee, 1998 World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Venice, June 1998
- Program Committee, International Conference on "Economic Benefits from Investment in Environmental Quality Improvements at the Firm Level," organized jointly by the Ministries of the Environment, Finance and Trade & Industry. March 1998
- Academic Council, Tel-Hai Academic Regional College
- Chairperson, Committee on the Establishment of a National University Registration Center, Committee of Universities Presidents and Rectors and the Planning & Budgeting Committee for Higher Education
- Advisory Committee, Rosenberg International Forum On Water Resources (Founded by the University of California and the Bank of America)
- Public Commission on Setting Universities' Tuition
- Scientific Panel, ENRICH/START Workshop on Global Change in the Mediterranean Region, Toledo, Spain, September, 1996
- Expert Steering Committee on Sustainable Development, Ministry of the Environment, Israel
- Organizing Committee, Meeting on Environmental Sciences, July 1995, Leipzig, German-Israel Foundation for Scientific Research & Development
- Chairperson, Committee on Regional Research & Development Centers, Ministry of Science, Israel, 1995-99
- Organizer, Public Symposia on "Could and Should We Harness Market Forces to Efficiently Manage Our Environmental Resources?," jointly with the Israel Center For Social and Economic Progress, Tel-Aviv, January, 1994
- Organizer, International Workshop on "Economic Aspects of Water Resource Management in the Mediterranean: Quantity and Quality Issues," with a grant from the ENI - Enrico Mattei Foundation, Milan, October, 1993
- Organizer, International Workshop on "Sharing Water Resources in the Middle East," with a grant from the Bertha von-Suttner Research Program of the Jewish-Arab Center at the University of Haifa, Kibbutz Kfar-Blum, Israel, December, 1992
- Organizer, International Symposium on "Environmental Resources in National Income Accounting," with a grant from Ministry of Science and Technology and the Danish Ministry of Education, Kibbutz Ein-Gedi, Israel, December, 1992
- Steering Committee on Recycling, Ministry of the Environment, 1993-4
- Steering Committee on Environmental Epidemiology, Ministry of Health, 1992-4
- Environmental Standards Experts' Committee, Ministry of the Environment, 1985-92
- Editorial Board, Journal of the Environmental and Resource Economics, 1988-1998
- International correspondent, Association of Environmental & Resource Economists (USA)
- International correspondent, European Association of Environmental & Resource Economists
- Scientific Advisory Committee, Israel Nature Reserves Authority
- Scientific Advisory Council, Water Commissioner, Ministry of Agriculture
- Committee on Global Change, Ministry of the Environment
- European Science Foundation, Program on Environment, Science & Society, Task Force on "Valuation, Risk and Uncertainty."
- Rapporteur, International Conference on an Agenda of Science for Environment and Development into the 21st Century (ASCEND 21), International Council of Scientific Unions, Vienna, November, 1991
- Guest co-editor, Special Issue of Environmental & Resource Economics: Economic Incentives in Environmental Regulation
- Guest editor, Special Issue of Resource and Energy Economics Journal: Economic Aspects of Water Sharing in the Middle East
- Editorial Board, "Environmental Quality" (Hebrew quarterly)
Community activities and offices (recent)
Chairman, Executive Committee, Friends of Kadoorie High-School Assocaition, Lower Galilee.
Chairman, Board of Directors, City of Haifa Museums (Arts Museum, Japanese Museum, Maritime Museum)
- Board of Directors, Nature Protection Society
- National Management Committee, Council for Beautiful Israel
- Chairman, "Magshim Israel" Prize Committee, Council for Beautiful Israel
- Eco-Peace - Friends of the Earth Middle East
- Executive Management Committee, The Friends of the Haifa Museums
- "DESHE" - Think Tank on Building and the Preservation of Open Space Values, Nature Protection Society
- Chairman, Platform Committee on Environment, Labor Candidate for Mayor of Haifa
- Chairman, Council For Beautiful Israel, Haifa and Northern Region
- Planning Committee, Nature Protection Society and Council For Beautiful Israel, Haifa Branch
- Who's Who in Israel & Jewish Personalities Abroad, 21st English ed., 1990-91 and onwards
Past academic and visiting
Lecturer and Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Industrial and Management Engineering, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel (1968-77)
Resources for the Future, Washington, D.C. (1973-75)
Consultant-in-Residence, Resources For the Future, Washington D.C. (1981-82)
Visiting Scholar, Department of Regional Science, University of Pennsylvania (1989)
Visiting Scholar, Royal Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark (1989-90)
Visiting Scholar, C.V. Starr Center for Applied Economics, New York University (1998)
Visiting Fellow, Department of Economics, University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia (1998)
Founder and Head, Natural Resource & Environmental Research Center, University of Haifa (1985-94)
Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Architecture & Town Planning (Regional and Urban Studies Program), Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (1980-92)
Professional affiliations
American Economics Association
Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (USA)
Israel Society for Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences
European Association of Resource and Environmental Economists
Israeli Economic Association
- 1979 - D.A.A.D. Fellowship (Germany)
- 1986 - Royal Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark, (Israel-Denmark scholar exchange fellowship)
- 1991 - Visiting Scholar (University Fellowship), Agricultural University, Wageningen, The Netherlands
International Activities
Program Committee, 1998 World Congress of Environmental and Resource
Economists, Venice
Advisory Committee, Rosenberg International Forum On Water Resources (Founded
by the University of California and the Bank of America)
Scientific Panel, ENRICH/START Workshop on Global Change in the Mediterranean
Region, Toledo, Spain, 1996
Organizer, International Workshop on "Economic Aspects of Water Resource
Management in the Mediterranean: Quantity and Quality Issues," with a grant
from the ENI - Enrico Mattei Foundation, Milan, October, 1993
Organizer, International Workshop on "Sharing Water Resources in the Middle
East," with a grant from the Bertha von-Suttner Research Program of the
Jewish-Arab Center at the University of Haifa, Kibbutz Kfar-Blum, Israel,
December, 1992
Organizer, International Symposium on "Environmental Resources in National
Income Accounting," with a grant from Ministry of Science and Technology and
the Danish Ministry of Education, Kibbutz Ein-Gedi, Israel, December, 1992
International correspondent, Association of Environmental & Resource
Economists (USA)
International correspondent, European Association of Environmental &
Resource Economists
European Science Foundation, Program on Environment, Science & Society,
Task Force on "Valuation, Risk and Uncertainty"
Rapporteur, International Conference on an Agenda of Science for Environment
and Development into the 21st Century (ASCEND 21), International Council of
Scientific Unions, Vienna, November, 1991
Research grants (recent)
- Climate Change and Impact Research: the Mediterranean Environment (CIRCE) IP Consortium): The Socioeconomic Workpackage. 6th Framework Program, EU.
- The Economics of Biodiversity Protection. In Israel's National Plan For Biodiversity Protection. Ministry of Environmental Protection.
- Impact of Climate Change on Israeli Agriculture. Ministry of Environmental Protection.
Vulnerability of Water Resources due to Climate Change in Eastern Mediterranean Ecosystems: An Integrated Approach to Sustainable Management (GLOWA) (TA University, Bar-Ilan University, Vulcani Institute, Haifa University, Tel-Hai College and several German Scientific Institutions). German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and Israeli Ministry of Science, Culture and Sports
- Sustainable Treatment and Removal of Solid Waste - An Interuniversity Research Program (Technion, Hebrew University, Vulcani Institute) - Economics module. Ministry of Science, Culture and Sports
- Strategies for Sustainable Development of Traditional Agricultural Landscapes: The Case of Bet-Netufa Valley in Lower Galilee. Ministry of the Environment
- Research In Global Change: A MediterrAnean REgional Network (RICAMARE): ENRICH/INDO-DC Concerted Action. Project Leaders: Medias-France and University of Madrid
- Sustainable Agricultural Use of Aquifers in Southern Europe: Integration Between Agricultural and Water Management Policies (SAGA): EC (FAIR) Concerted Action. Project Leader: Fonazione ENI Enrico Mattei (Milan)
- Economic Analyses of the Environmental Impact of Alternative Transportation Solutions for the Tel-Aviv Metropolitan Region (Belfer Center for Energy Research, Ministry of Energy and National Infrastructure and the Ministry of the Environment)
- A Biological and Economic Assessment of the Potential Economic Losses due to Irreversible Damage to Biodiversity: Application to Coastal Nature Reserves (Ministry of the Environment)
- A Policy Paper on Reducing Greenhouse Gasses in Israel (Jointly with the Neeman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science & Technology at the Technion) (Ministry of the Environment)
- Options for Municipal Waste Recycling Policy (Ministry of the Environment and the S. Neeman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science & Technology)
- Economic Analysis of the Recreational Benefits from the Hula Valley Re-flooding Project (Jewish National Fund)
- Economic Efficiency Considerations in Pollution Abatement in Energy Production: Administrative Approaches vs. Economic Incentives (Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure)
- Valuation of Nonuse and Existence Benefits in Resource Damage Assessment (Ministry of Science & Technology; Ministry of the Environment)
- Economic & Environmental Impacts of Accelerated Development: the Case of Kiryat-Shmoneh (Ministry of Science and Arts)
- Economic & Environmental Analyses of Clean Energy Options (Israel Electric Company)
- Environmental Impact Analysis of the Haifa Bay Area National Plan (Ministry of the Interior)
- Economic Analysis of the Demand for Residential and Industrial Land Uses in the Haifa Metropolitan Area (Ministry of Housing)
- Sharing Scarce Fresh Water Resources in the Mediterranean Basin: An Economic Perspective (European Science Foundation and the Bertha von-Suttner Research Program)
- Environment Policy: Standards vs. Economic Incentives (Sapir Center for Development, Tel-Aviv University)
- Economic Valuation of Environmental Damage in Israel: Ground Water Pollution (The Water Commission)
- Glass Bottle Recycling Policy for Israel (Ministry of the Environment)
- A Software Package for Air-shed Management (Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure)
- Economic Analysis of the Feasibility of Private Supplementary Health Services in Public Health Facilities (Treasury and Health Ministries and Rambam Medical Center)
- The Supply of Physician Services for Privately Provided Health?Care Services at Public Hospitals (Kovens Center for Health Management Studies, Tel-Aviv University)
- Economic Costs of Changing Ambient Air Pollution Levels From Industrial Sources in the Haifa Region (Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure)
- Benefits of Morbidity Reduction From Air Pollution Control (US-Israel Binational Science Foundation)
- Economic Evaluation of Using Recycled Municipal Wastewater for Household Uses (The Water Authority)