"Participation in auctions", with S. Gal and A. Nemirovski, GAMES and Economic Behavior, forthcoming. |
"Non-existence of monotone equilibria in games with correlated signals", Journal of Economic Theory, 132 (2007) 119-136.
"First Price Auction when the Ranking of Valuations is Common Knowledge", with M. Rubinstein, E. Wolfstetter and S. Zamir, Review of
Economic Design, vol. 6, Issue 3-4, 2002.
"Feasible Net Income Distributions Under Income Tax Evasion: An Equilibrium
Analysis", with D. Monderer Journal of Public Economic Theory, January, 2000.
"A General Model of Insurance Under Adverse Selection", with I. Meilijson Economic Theory,
14, 331-352, 1999.
"Extraction Of Surplus Under Adverse Selection: The Case Of Insurance Markets",
with I. Meilijson Journal of Economic Theory, April, 69, 1996, 234-239.
"Monopoly Insurance Under Adverse Selection When Agents Differ In Risk
Aversion", Journal of Economic Theory, August, 63, 1994, 392-407.
"Mean Preserving Portfolio Dominance", with I.Meilijson,
The Review of Economic Studies, 60, 1993, 475-485.
"Comonotone-Allocations, Bickel-Lehmann Dispersion and the Arrow-Pratt Measure
of Risk Aversion", with I. Meilijson, Annals of Operations Research, 52, 1994, 97-106.
"The Generating Process and a Generalization of Jewitt's Location Independent Risk Concept",
with I. Meilijson, Management Science, 40, 1994, 662-669.
"Demand for Risky Financial Assets: A Portfolio Analysis", with I. Meilijson,
Journal of Economic Theory, Feb. 1990, 204-213.
"A Tale of Two Tails: An Alternative Characterization of Comparative Risk",
with I.Meilijson, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, March, 1990, 65-82.
"Lotteries, Insurance and Star-shaped Utility Functions", with I.Meilijson,
Journal of Economic Theory, Oct. 1990, 1-17.
"On 'Small Sample' Properties of Experience Rating Insurance Contracts", with S. Gal,
Quarterly Journal of Economics, Feb. 1988, 233-244.
"Intertemporal Price Discrimination and Sales Strategy Under Incomplete
Information", with I. Meilijson, Rand Journal of Economics, Autumn, 1985, 414-430.
"Incentive Generating Dynamic State Dependent Penalty System: The Case of Income Tax Evasion",
with I. Meilijson, Journal of Public Economics, 1982, 333-352.
"The Existence and Properties of a Stationary Distribution for Unemployment when Job
Search is Sequential", with P. Feigin, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 3, 1981, 329-341.
"The Induced Inefficiency of Income Taxes Under Cmonditions of Imperfect Information About
Job Offers", with P. Feigin, Canadian Journal of Economics, Feb. 1981, 109- 124.
"A Compound Search Strategy in The Labor Market", with S.Gal, International Economic Review,
Oct.[1981], 597-608.
"Monopolistic Cooperative Firms in a Capitalistic Economy: Allocation and Distribution",
with Gal-Or and Subotnik, Journal of Comparative Economics, 4, 1980, 158-72.
"Some Anomalies in the Production Strategy of a Labor Managed Monopolistic Firm",
with A.Subotni, Economica, May, 1981.
"Efficient Regulation of a Labor Managed Monopolistic Firm", with A. Subotnik,
European Economic Review, 13,1980, 229-237.
"Duration of Offers, Price Structure And The Gain From Search", with D.Peled,
Journal of Economic Theory, Oct. 1977, 219-237.
"The Relationship Between Revenue, Production and Demand Functions, and the Implications for
Some Microeconomic Problems", with A. Subotnik, Journal of Public Economics, April, 1977, 95-101.
"Equilibrium Rent Differentials in a Multicenter City", with S. Lidgi, Regional Science
and Urban Economics, Oct 1976, 235-254.
"Regulation Effects on Resource Allocation of a Utility Maximizing Firm", with A. Subotnik,
European Economic Review,Oct. 1976, 581-600.
"Optimal Behavior of a Monopolist Facing a Bicriteria Objective Funnction", with A.Subotnik,
International Economic Review, Oct. 1976, 235-254.
"Children's Age as a Factor Affecting The Simultaneous Determination of Consumption and
Earnings", The Southern Economic Journal, October 1973, 279-289.
"Discount Rate and The Horizon", Journal of Political Economy, Nov.-Dec. 1971, 1346-1359.
"Predictive Ability of Income Elasticities", Metroeconomica, March-April, 1971, 81-91.
"The Life Cycle Hypothesis-A Reinterpretation and an Empirical Test", American Economic
Review, March, 1972, 175-183.
"Windfall Income and Consumption", American Economic Review, June, 1972, 534-540.
Restitution Receipts, Household Saving and Consumption Behavior, a book based on
my Ph.D., Published by the Bank of Israel, Jerusalem, 1972, 1-106.